The skin around the eyes is very sensitive, delicate and easily detects signs of fatigue or aging. Bags under the eyes can appear due to various reasons - fatigue, poor blood circulation in the skin or an unhealthy lifestyle. Genetics is often the cause as well. At first, bags appear in the corners of the eyes, later they spread, causing the eyes to look sad and tired.
For men and women who face the problem of bags under the eyes. The product Teosyal® Redensity EYES II is not suitable for dark pigment rings and excessive bags under the eyes that require surgical treatment.
The area around the eyes is first disinfected. Then Teosyal is applied to the area of the bags under the eyes using a fine insulin syringe. The procedure is only slightly painful - the product Teosyal® Redensity EYES II contains lidocaine - an anesthetic that reduces pain and provides optimal comfort during application.
The results are visible immediately after application and last for an average of 12 months (clinical trial results).
Bruising, slight swelling or crusting may occur in the area of application, but will disappear completely within two weeks. Temporary imperfections can be easily covered with make- up.
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