ENVY clinic's technology and instruments are among the best in the world. Our clients can expect the most advanced equipment and procedures. This is also the reason why the treatment is less invasive and the recovery time is much shorter. We offer various solutions for health or aesthetic problems, from simple to complex treatments. In the ENVY clinic we also have an exclusive recovery unit, where we do everything to provide you with the best aftercare and privacy.

NOVINKA! Quanta Light EVO B

Moderný prístroj s laserom Nd:YAG 1064 nm a IPL aplikátor 550 -1200 nm. Ošetrujeme ním cievky, metličky, vaskulárne lézie, pigmentové lézie, rosaceu, naevus flameus, jazvy a akné, rejuvenizujeme pokožku. Je tiež určený na depiláciu a depigmentáciu. V jednom prístroji je až 5 vlnových dĺžok – 1064, 755, 532, 1320, 2940 nm. Používame ho na klinike v Košiciach.

Our technologies


BTL-6000 Lymphastim

Lymphatic drainage device to activate lymphatic flow.

The modern lymphatic drainage system has 26 preset protocols and 100 user settings.
Stimulation of lymph flow in the periphery to the depth of the lymphatic system contributes to the removal of metabolic waste from the intercellular spaces.
The immunological response of the body is improved and the effect of pressure waves on peripheral vessels and blood circulation.
The pressure waves of the overlapping chambers massage the muscles, flush out the metabolic products and prevent muscle spasms.
They massage and compress the abdomen, which leads to its relaxation and stimulates the digestive tract.
Preset therapy improves the distribution of oxygenated blood. It improves the atrophy of the skin, which is healthier and firmer after the treatment.

We use BTL-6000 Lymphastim in our clinics in Prague and Bratislava-Priveé.

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